Neat trick for working with large CSVs

While browsing HN recently I saw a post about software that performs each of the functions that grep, awk, and sed do. I thought to myself, wait, isn’t that Perl? It’s fun to read the comments, and even more enjoyable when you can vindicate your opinions. Even better is when you find out neat new tricks for working with data. This is a technique that I found from the thread for using sqlite to work with a csv.

yung_steezy 10 hours ago | parent | favorite | on: Miller CLI Like Awk, sed, cut, join, and sort fo...

I always use sqlite3 for working with large CSV files:
    $ sqlite3
    $ .mode csv
    $ .import my.csv foo
    $ SELECT * FROM foo WHERE name = 'bar';
It reads the header in automatically for the field names and then stores all the values as strings.